
Importance of Special Education for children with Special Needs

Children with learning difficulties are sometimes overlooked and ridiculed by society. They frequently receive negative feedback from schools and thus refuse to establish positive external cognitions. This is completely incorrect. As humans, they have a fundamental right to an equal opportunity to receive an education. Special education is viewed as educational practices established for children…

Down's Syndorome men

Impact of Down Syndrome on Language and Communication

Down syndrome is a developmental difficulty due to a chromosomal error (or a problem with genes). All children with Down syndrome have some degree of learning disability and develop skills at a slower rate to other children. Delays in language based and learning milestones are evident around their first birthday. The language skills of children…

Child with cerebral palsy struggling during mealtime

Best Cerebral Palsy Treatment In Noida at Nurturers

Best Cerebral Palsy Treatment In Noida at Nurturers Difficult Mealtime With CP (Cerebral Palsy) Children Mealtime is often stressful for parents because in initial years of life children develop their food habits with various activities but it is even more difficult for the parents with CP (Cerebral Palsy) children. Eating or Mealtime lays the foundation…

Therapy for Misarticulation

Therapy for Misarticulation

Misarticulation is a speech sound disorder in which a person shows difficulty in articulation and produces sounds, syllables, words incorrectly. This leads to difficulty in understanding speech. Misarticulation can be due to following reasons- Developmental Disability Hearing Loss At Early Age Any structural and functional deformity in articulators (lips, teeth, tongue, buccal cavity, jaw, palate)…

Colorful graphic of letters forming a question mark

Overcoming Dyslexia: A Guide for Supportive Parenting

Every parent wants their child to be the smartest kid in the neighborhood. Today’s competitive world further worries parents who strive to provide every bit possible to make their child the best in the class. So when a child does get diagnosed with dyslexia, it disheartens the parents. When the parents are sad, ultimately the…

The Perils of Not Being Diagnosed' Part-3 in a series

The perils of not being diagnosed…

Most often, children with dyslexia are categorized as lazy or unmotivated by parents and teachers who don’t understand the disorder. It may even be that the child is not diagnosed and spends his entire childhood scared of books and studies. In India, the chances of this happening are sadly greater. The merciless educational system, the…